Assessing & Developing Pastor-Trainers

The first two assessment tools will help you become a more effective trainer and/or help you develop others to become more effective trainers and disciple-makers. These tools are intended to create coaching conversations which identify needed areas of growth as well as pathways for deepening ministry capacity, convictions, confidence & skills. Feel free to adapt these assessment tools to your context and training purposes.

The third document, “Before We Say Yes!”, is a pastor-trainer alignment grid intended to help you and your national partners assess the health, alignment, and progress of your partnership. “Before We Say Yes!” was created by Doug Dunton and others while working with WordPartners’ global partners. The document was used to guide global partnerships over several years in order to deepen ministry impact through a process of: transformation, multiplication, and ultimately, Movement.

1.) Pastor-Trainers – Assessment & Development Tool

2.) Disciple-Makers – Assessment & Development Tool

3.) Pastor-Trainer Alignment Grid

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DNA Series Videos

These five short videos, the DNA of LRI, were produced to articulate the core values and culture of the ministry I was leading (called Leadership Resources International (LRI) at the time.) You may find these helpful as you think through the core values & culture that you want to both model and pass on to the pastors and leaders that you are equipping.

DNA of Leadership – Intro

DNA Strand 1 – It’s Not About Us

DNA Strand 2 – We Bring the Father’s Heart

DNA Strand 3 – We Treasure One Another

DNA Strand 4 – We Live and Lead as Servants

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The Why, What and Who of WordPartners

WordPartners (formerly known as LRI) spent more than 15 years developing and refining its pastor-training strategy, with a focus on developing Bible expositors worldwide. This paper explores what we learned and articulates not only the what and the how, but also the why and the who. Thanks to Tim Sattler and Todd Kelly who authored this document and helped design our process of developing and deepening global partnerships.

Download WordPartners Training – the Why, How and What

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