Less is More…March 2024 Update

Less is More

(bigger isn’t always better)

Dear Friends, Partners & Family,

2010: Honiara, Solomon Islands

When we began working with the South Seas Evangelical Church in the Solomon Islands, we had 7 men at the first training, key leaders representing their 600 churches in this South Pacific nation.

The day after the training concluded, Micah, one of the men, told me this story:

I met an old friend in the fish market today. He asked me what I was doing in town. When I told him about our training, he was surprised because he hadn’t heard about it. Micah replied, “Oh, it was a really small group, only 7 of us, plus 2 trainers from the U.S. and 1 from Australia.” His friend replied, “NO WAY!!!! There’s NO WAY Americans are going to come all this way to teach 7 guys. Americans love big crowds.” Micah responded, “No, no, no…you don’t get it. We first go deep with a few, in order to eventually reach the many who need training.”  …Micah got it!

Fast forward to…

September, 2023: Sofia, Bulgaria

I had begun working with Pastor Simeon Krastev back in 2015. Simeon had a passion for Biblical exposition and a burden to equip Bulgarian pastors to faithfully study, teach and preach God’s Word.

I had the privilege of helping with the first trainings of the group that Simeon organized. Bill Mills and others continued the work for a total of 4 years. Along the way, Simeon and I became really good friends.

Simeon and his team launched a new group last year. He asked me to come and help teach the group. I felt honored to be asked, but said, “No…I have a better idea. What if we go smaller? What if I work with your team of 4 pastor-trainers, to encourage you, help sharpen your skills, and help expand your vision?” …Simeon got it!

On one level, it’s crazy for me to fly all the way to Bulgaria to work with just 4 men, right? On the other hand, how else will all of the Balkans be reached? It won’t just be by sending more Americans over…it will only happen through men like Simeon, Ivo, Miro, and Blago.

The five of us spent the days together studying the book of Isaiah. They developed the workshop and they did almost all of the teaching. My role was one of coach and mentor and question-asker. The two key questions I asked:

  • What would it take to get this training to every pastor in Bulgaria and the 12 Balkan nations?
  • How might you develop some of the pastors that you are now training to become pastor-trainers?           

We talked about what makes for a good pastor-trainer. They’ve already begun to identify potential pastor-trainers in their current group. We talked extensively about how to develop those pastors into pastor-trainers…what that process might look like. I’ve offered to walk with them in that process.

What if the LORD were to raise up 4 more Bulgarian pastors-trainers over the next year or two? And then 4 more after that? And… wouldn’t that be glorious???

Simeon was so encouraged by our time together. He talked about the “mountain” that his team had climbed together…developing and teaching a workshop on the book of Isaiah. He shared how their vision had grown. That their understanding had also grown: less is more…invest in a few to reach the many.

Pray for these precious men. They are the key to seeing a Movement of the Word flow throughout Bulgaria and beyond. And rejoice …Simeon, Ivo, Miro, and Blago get it!

With love,

Craig & Louise Parro

Senior Staff

Global Training Network

Email: craigp@gtn.org

Ivo teaching about genre.
Simeon explaining how to discuss the structure of a text or book.


Global Training Network

P.O. Box 6507

Peoria, AZ 85385

GTN Office Phone: 623.217.3867

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