I am an Accidental Pastor-Trainer

…or so it would seem. After college (where I came to faith in Christ), I became a market researcher. I loved it! There I learned to ask the right questions. Meanwhile, I joined a great church where I learned to teach God’s Word and lead missions outreach. Life was good. I cruised along for 15 years until Bill Mills messed(!) with my plans…

Bill had founded a ministry now called WordPartners (formerly known as LRILeadership Resources International.) Bill asked me to join his staff to lead a pastor-training work just getting started. What was he thinking???

Even though I was severely unqualified, after several months of counsel & prayer, I said “yes.” My first ministry trip (to India) vividly confirmed my inadequacies. I was overwhelmed…the proverbial deer-in-the-headlights. Suddenly, seminary training became a necessity. God used Trinity Evangelical Divinity School to shape and equip me.

During my 31 years at WordPartners, the Lord sent us an amazing team of pastor-trainers from North America. God also favored us with gifted & godly global partners from 50+ countries, who became not only co-workers, but beloved friends.

With their help, the Lord refined our training philosophy and strategy. We discovered that…


Today, I’m part of the Global Training Network (GTN), working alongside their superb staff. I also co-pastor a local church in Chicago and serve on the boards of two ministries that serve pastors and pastor-trainers: 67Pastors and TOPIC (Trainers of Pastors International Coalition.)

This website is designed to spur you on in your journey as a pastor-trainer, until the Church is fully mature, a dazzlingly beautiful Bride awaiting the return of her Beloved.

You’ll note that many of these resources come from my time with WordPartners/Leadership Resources.

My Journey as an Accidental Pastor-Trainer